Google Could Implement Facial Recognition In Android

Google Could Implement Facial Recognition In Android Pay For Loyalty Programs. Acceding to 9to5Google in their close look at the code of new Android Pay app, Google could be looking to implement facial recognition. In the apk teardown of Android Pay version 1.22 they found a feature called Visual ID, which was described as “a secure way to verify your identity at various participating stores which would make things like earning loyalty points and redeeming rewards easier.” The site also clarifies that this sort of teardown does not mean that they will actually be implementing this feature. Android police also conducted their own examination of the apk teardown code, and found out that when a person confirms his/her identity by using Visual ID any rewards point or loyalty perks are automatically applied to his/her purchase. With the help of Bluetooth, the system detects the location of the customer and would also presumable require camera in the store to take pictures of t...