When it was known that a WEP network could be hacked by any kid with a laptop and a network connection (using easy peasy tutorials like those on our blog), the security guys did succeed in making a much more robust security measure WPA/WPA2. Now hacking WPA/WPA2 is a very tedious job in most cases. A dictionary attack may take days, and still might not succeed. Also, good dictionaries are huge. An exhaustive bruteforce including all the alphabets (uppercase lowercase) and numbers, may take years, depending on password length. Rainbow tables are known to speed things up, by completing a part of the guessing job beforehand, but the output rainbow table that needs to be downloaded from the net is disastrously large (can be 100s of GBs sometimes). And finally the security folks were at peace. But it was not over yet, as the new WPA technology was not at all easy for the users to configure. With this in mind, a new security measure was introduced to compliment WPA. Wifi Protected Set...
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