Tracing your Google Voice Search History
After the launch of the google voice search functionality there has been millions of users using this feature in everyday life. But did you know that google keeps the track of the searches you made through its app.
Whenever you say any search query following the command “O.K Google” into the search giant’s app a copy of the recording of your voice search will most likely be stored on your Google history page. You can see/hear these recordings by going on the link logging into your google account and clicking the play button next to the recording you want to hear.
For some security reasons google always store all kind of interaction you make through google in its database. For example, if google has access to your device location settings for mapping and search suggestions, it will store your location history on its database and you can see it on google maps when you are logged in to your Google account.
Other than the security reasons google also store this data for optimising its predictive services by showing suggestions according to your interests by relating to previous search history. Most of the people like to have content served related to their interest for their ease of surfing on internet.
The company has said that if the data makes you worry you can clear the data but it may still keep the data for its purpose and make it anonymous.
To change the settings regarding your saved data you can open the link you are logged in and change the settings according to your convenience or as you see fit. You can also delete your history related to YouTube, location history, you voice search recordings and anything related to your Google app usage.
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